卢坎 - 古代罗马 - 古典文学

John Campbell 22-04-2024
John Campbell





卢坎是尼禄皇帝统治时期的罗马史诗诗人。 尽管他的生命短暂,但他被认为是拉丁文学白银时代的杰出人物之一,他的年轻和创作速度使他与其他诗人不同。 他的代表作 "Pharsalia" 他在中世纪可能是最著名的,但他的作品也对17世纪的诗歌和戏剧产生了巨大的影响。



马库斯-安娜乌斯-卢卡努斯(英语世界称为Lucan)于公元39年出生于Hispania Baetica(今西班牙科尔多瓦)的Corduba。 他是老塞内加的孙子,在他叔叔的指导下长大、 年轻的塞内加 他出生在一个富裕的家庭,能够在雅典学习修辞学,并可能由他的叔叔和其他人提供哲学和斯多葛主义的教育。

由于他早期作为修辞学家和演说家的表现,他得到了尼禄皇帝的青睐,两人成为了亲密的朋友。 卢坎在法定年龄之前就获得了一个魁首的职位,然后在公元60年,在五年一次的尼罗尼亚(尼禄设立的希腊风格的盛大艺术节)上获奖后,被任命为蛟龙。 在此期间,他发行了第一本他的史诗三部曲、 "Pharsalia" ("De Bello Civili") 该书以史诗般的方式讲述了凯撒大帝和庞培之间的内战故事。

然而,在某些时候,卢坎失去了尼禄的青睐,他的诗歌被禁止进一步阅读,这可能是因为尼禄嫉妒卢坎,或者只是对他失去了兴趣。 不过,也有人声称,卢坎写了关于尼禄的侮辱性诗歌,暗示(就像其他人一样)尼禄对公元64年的罗马大火负有责任。 当然,《圣经》后期的书籍 "Pharsalia" 这些作品具有明显的反帝和亲共和的特点,并接近于专门批评尼禄和他的帝王统治。

卢坎后来在公元65年参加了盖乌斯-卡尔普尼乌斯-皮索反对尼禄的阴谋。 当他的叛国行为被发现时,他首先将自己的母亲和其他人告上法庭,希望得到赦免,但他还是不得不在25岁时以传统方式开脉自杀。 他的父亲被作为国家的敌人而被判刑,但他的母亲却逃过一劫。



See_also: 贝奥武夫与格伦德尔:英雄杀死恶棍,不包括武器

史诗 "Pharsalia" 关于凯撒大帝和庞培之间的战争,被认为是卢坎的巨著,尽管在他去世时仍未完成,在第10本书的中间突然停止。 卢坎巧妙地改编了 Virgil 's "埃涅伊德" 这部作品以其语言的强度和表达的力量而闻名,尽管卢坎也很好地利用了银色时代拉丁文学中占主导地位的修辞技巧。 其风格和词汇往往是通俗的,而但修辞常常因其能量和闪光而被提升为真正的诗歌,如加图关于庞培的宏伟葬礼演讲中。

卢桑还经常将作者的身份侵入叙事,因此几乎放弃了传统史诗的中立性。 一些人认为卢桑在整部作品中表现出的激情和愤怒 "Pharsalia" 这也许是唯一一部避开诸神干预的主要拉丁文史诗。

"Laus Pisonis" ( "对皮索的赞美" 一首赞美皮索家族成员的诗,也经常被认为是卢坎的作品(尽管也是其他人的作品),还有一份长长的失落作品清单,包括特洛伊周期的一部分,一首赞美尼禄的诗和一首关于公元64年罗马大火的诗(可能指责尼禄纵火)。

See_also: 伊利亚特的巴黎--命中注定要毁灭?



  • "Pharsalia" ("De Bello Civili")

John Campbell

John Campbell is an accomplished writer and literary enthusiast, known for his deep appreciation and extensive knowledge of classical literature. With a passion for the written word and a particular fascination for the works of ancient Greece and Rome, John has dedicated years to the study and exploration of Classical Tragedy, lyric poetry, new comedy, satire, and epic poetry.Graduating with honors in English Literature from a prestigious university, John's academic background provides him with a strong foundation to critically analyze and interpret these timeless literary creations. His ability to delve into the nuances of Aristotle's Poetics, Sappho's lyrical expressions, Aristophanes' sharp wit, Juvenal's satirical musings, and the sweeping narratives of Homer and Virgil is truly exceptional.John's blog serves as a paramount platform for him to share his insights, observations, and interpretations of these classical masterpieces. Through his meticulous analysis of themes, characters, symbols, and historical context, he brings to life the works of ancient literary giants, making them accessible to readers of all backgrounds and interests.His captivating writing style engages both the minds and hearts of his readers, drawing them into the magical world of classical literature. With each blog post, John skillfully weaves together his scholarly understanding with a deeplypersonal connection to these texts, making them relatable and relevant to the contemporary world.Recognized as an authority in his field, John has contributed articles and essays to several prestigious literary journals and publications. His expertise in classical literature has also made him a sought-after speaker at various academic conferences and literary events.Through his eloquent prose and ardent enthusiasm, John Campbell is determined to revive and celebrate the timeless beauty and profound significance of classical literature. Whether you are a dedicated scholar or simply a curious reader seeking to explore the world of Oedipus, Sappho's love poems, Menander's witty plays, or the heroic tales of Achilles, John's blog promises to be an invaluable resource that will educate, inspire, and ignite a lifelong love for the classics.