萨福 - 古希腊 - 古典文学

John Campbell 30-09-2023
John Campbell



介绍 - 谁是萨福





萨福出生于希腊莱斯波斯岛,时间在公元前630年至612年之间(从几个不同的矛盾来源的证据来看),似乎她在公元前600年左右或之后就已经相当出名了。 我们能够拼凑出的许多传记片段都来自她自己的诗歌,可能是不可靠的,但她可能来自一个贵族家庭一位当代人将她描述为 "紫罗兰色的头发,纯洁,面带微笑",但另一位则描述为 "小而黑"。

萨福生活在莱斯波斯岛的政治动荡时期,她似乎是在公元前604年到594年之间的某个时候被从莱斯波斯岛流放到西西里岛的,原因并不清楚(她自己的诗歌中很少提到政治典故)。 她可能已经嫁给了一个名叫Cercylas的富商,而且她可能已经有了一个女儿(可能叫Cleïs,取自萨福自己的名字这一点并不确定,但人们通常认为她后来回到了她心爱的莱斯博斯。



See_also: 安提戈涅的宣泄:情感如何塑造了文学


萨福的诗歌在很大程度上以对各种人物和性别的激情、迷恋和爱为中心,尽管不知道她的诗歌在多大程度上是自传性的。 她的作品中对女性之间身体行为的描述很少,而且有争议,但 "女同性恋"(来自她出生的岛屿的名字)和 "萨福 "这两个词还是被广泛用于然而,在她自己的时期,同性恋是相当普遍的,特别是在知识分子和贵族中,并被认为是不寻常的。 似乎很明显,她爱她社区的一些妇女,尽管这种激情是否在性方面得到表达还很不清楚。

See_also: 斯芬克斯-俄狄浦斯:《俄狄浦斯王》中斯芬克斯的起源

亚历山大图书馆(在古代不幸被烧毁)显然将萨福的诗歌收集成了九本书,但现存的比例很小,只有一首诗,即《婚礼之歌》。 "阿佛洛狄忒的赞歌" 萨福把她的一群年轻女学生组织成一个 "thiasos",一个用歌曲和诗歌来崇拜阿佛洛狄忒的教派,并且 "阿佛洛狄忒的赞歌" 很可能是为在这个邪教中的表演而创作的。




  • "阿佛洛狄忒的赞歌"

John Campbell

John Campbell is an accomplished writer and literary enthusiast, known for his deep appreciation and extensive knowledge of classical literature. With a passion for the written word and a particular fascination for the works of ancient Greece and Rome, John has dedicated years to the study and exploration of Classical Tragedy, lyric poetry, new comedy, satire, and epic poetry.Graduating with honors in English Literature from a prestigious university, John's academic background provides him with a strong foundation to critically analyze and interpret these timeless literary creations. His ability to delve into the nuances of Aristotle's Poetics, Sappho's lyrical expressions, Aristophanes' sharp wit, Juvenal's satirical musings, and the sweeping narratives of Homer and Virgil is truly exceptional.John's blog serves as a paramount platform for him to share his insights, observations, and interpretations of these classical masterpieces. Through his meticulous analysis of themes, characters, symbols, and historical context, he brings to life the works of ancient literary giants, making them accessible to readers of all backgrounds and interests.His captivating writing style engages both the minds and hearts of his readers, drawing them into the magical world of classical literature. With each blog post, John skillfully weaves together his scholarly understanding with a deeplypersonal connection to these texts, making them relatable and relevant to the contemporary world.Recognized as an authority in his field, John has contributed articles and essays to several prestigious literary journals and publications. His expertise in classical literature has also made him a sought-after speaker at various academic conferences and literary events.Through his eloquent prose and ardent enthusiasm, John Campbell is determined to revive and celebrate the timeless beauty and profound significance of classical literature. Whether you are a dedicated scholar or simply a curious reader seeking to explore the world of Oedipus, Sappho's love poems, Menander's witty plays, or the heroic tales of Achilles, John's blog promises to be an invaluable resource that will educate, inspire, and ignite a lifelong love for the classics.