反对底比斯的七个人 - 埃斯库罗斯 - 古希腊 - 古典文学

John Campbell 12-10-2023
John Campbell





"七人对抗底比斯" (Gr: "Hepta epi Thebas" 纬度;纬度: "Septem contra Thebas" )是古希腊剧作家的一部悲剧。 埃斯库罗斯 它是神话的经典陈述(也包括在《中国古代文学史》中),可追溯到公元前467年。 欧里庇得斯 '播放 "腓尼基妇女" )讲述了在羞愧的俄狄浦斯将权力交给他的两个儿子埃特奥克勒斯和波吕涅斯后,底比斯城的争夺战。



戏剧人物 - 人物








"七人对抗底比斯" 耻辱的俄狄浦斯卸任底比斯国王后,将王国交给他的两个儿子埃特奥克勒斯和波利尼克斯(Polyneices),条件是他们每年轮流担任王位。 然而,第一年后,埃特奥克勒斯拒绝下台,并赶走了波利尼克斯,后者逃到阿尔戈斯。 在那里,波利尼克斯和阿尔盖国王阿德拉斯特斯聚集了一支由七名队长或领导人(Tydeus、Capaneus、Eteoclus、Hippomedon、Parthenopaeus、Amphiaraus和Polynices本人)。

该剧开场时,波利尼克斯和他的亚基人的支持者即将进攻并包围他自己的家乡底比斯,以夺取王位。 在位的国王,他的兄弟埃特奥克勒斯出现,警告人们,号召他们拿起武器。 他任命底比斯的指挥官(克瑞翁、梅加里乌斯、波里克里梅努斯、梅拉尼普斯、波利丰特斯、海伯比斯、演员、拉斯特尼斯和他自己)保卫七座城门当他的兄弟波利尼克斯被发现是七个进攻的队长之一时,埃特奥克勒斯决心与他单挑。

这场 "战斗 "本身发生在舞台外的合唱颂歌中,之后一名信使进来宣布埃特奥克勒斯和波吕涅斯已经自相残杀。 其他六名进攻的首领都被杀死,敌人被打跑了。 两位王子的尸体被抬上舞台,合唱团为他们哀悼,被杀者的姐妹安提戈涅和伊斯梅内也一样,只有她们还活着。王家。

See_also: 原神:创造开始前就存在的希腊神灵


See_also: 拉登希腊神话:多头赫斯帕尔龙的神话


该剧于公元前467年首次上演,当时它作为底比斯三部曲中的第三部剧目,获得了年度城市狄奥尼西亚戏剧比赛的一等奖。 三部曲中的前两部(已失传)剧目是 "拉伊奥斯" "俄狄浦斯" 该书涉及俄狄浦斯神话的前两代,而 "七人对抗底比斯" 结尾的萨提尔剧被称为 "埃特奥克勒斯 "和 "波利尼克斯",他们在争夺忒拜王位的斗争中互相残杀。 "斯芬克斯" (也输了)。

七人 "神话的原始内核,即威胁古城底比斯的七位亚基将军,可以追溯到特洛伊战争前一代左右的青铜时代历史(公元前12或13世纪)。 该剧的情节本身很少,大部分内容是由侦察员或信使分别描述带领亚基军队对抗底比斯的七位队长的情况(直到他们各自盾牌上的装置),以及埃特奥克勒斯宣布他将派哪个忒拜人指挥官去对付每个阿尔盖的攻击者。

然而,与埃斯库罗斯早期的剧本不同,该剧的开篇不再是抒情性的,而是戏剧性的。 它还包含了第一段对生活的一般性反思(后来成为悲剧的常规特征),埃特奥克勒斯在其中思考了将一个无辜的人卷入恶人的行列的命运,使他不公正地分享他们应得的命运。 该剧中的合唱,有比其他任何角色的台词都多,由底比斯的妇女组成。

它探讨了命运和神灵干预人类事务的主题,以及作为人类文明重要发展的政体(或城市)(这一主题将在许多作品中反复出现)。 埃斯库罗斯 '后来的戏剧)。

鉴于 索福克勒斯 '后来发挥 "安提戈涅" 的结局。 "七人对抗底比斯" 在《圣经》被重写大约五十年后 埃斯库罗斯 安提戈涅宣布她打算违抗宣布的禁止埋葬波利尼克斯的法令。



  • E. D. A. Morshead的英译本(互联网经典档案)://classics.mit.edu/Aeschylus/seventhebes.html
  • 带有逐字翻译的希腊文版本(珀尔修斯项目)://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text.jsp?doc=Perseus:text:1999.01.0013

John Campbell

John Campbell is an accomplished writer and literary enthusiast, known for his deep appreciation and extensive knowledge of classical literature. With a passion for the written word and a particular fascination for the works of ancient Greece and Rome, John has dedicated years to the study and exploration of Classical Tragedy, lyric poetry, new comedy, satire, and epic poetry.Graduating with honors in English Literature from a prestigious university, John's academic background provides him with a strong foundation to critically analyze and interpret these timeless literary creations. His ability to delve into the nuances of Aristotle's Poetics, Sappho's lyrical expressions, Aristophanes' sharp wit, Juvenal's satirical musings, and the sweeping narratives of Homer and Virgil is truly exceptional.John's blog serves as a paramount platform for him to share his insights, observations, and interpretations of these classical masterpieces. Through his meticulous analysis of themes, characters, symbols, and historical context, he brings to life the works of ancient literary giants, making them accessible to readers of all backgrounds and interests.His captivating writing style engages both the minds and hearts of his readers, drawing them into the magical world of classical literature. With each blog post, John skillfully weaves together his scholarly understanding with a deeplypersonal connection to these texts, making them relatable and relevant to the contemporary world.Recognized as an authority in his field, John has contributed articles and essays to several prestigious literary journals and publications. His expertise in classical literature has also made him a sought-after speaker at various academic conferences and literary events.Through his eloquent prose and ardent enthusiasm, John Campbell is determined to revive and celebrate the timeless beauty and profound significance of classical literature. Whether you are a dedicated scholar or simply a curious reader seeking to explore the world of Oedipus, Sappho's love poems, Menander's witty plays, or the heroic tales of Achilles, John's blog promises to be an invaluable resource that will educate, inspire, and ignite a lifelong love for the classics.