
John Campbell 20-08-2023
John Campbell



卡图卢斯生活在凯撒大帝的时代 他的父亲与参议员和将军是朋友,但是 卡图卢斯并不尊重 凯撒是庞培的盟友,卡图卢斯写了几首诗谴责他。 在其他诗中,卡图卢斯对凯撒在高卢和不列颠的战役给予了讽刺性的赞扬。

在93年,诗人质疑凯撒,质疑他是否是个好人。 卡图卢斯不想成为偏袒凯撒的人。 事实上,卡图卢斯可以成为相反的人。 他也不想知道凯撒在性方面的立场。 在第二行、 卡图卢斯问题 无论凯撒的肤色是黑是白。 凯撒的肤色 卡图卢斯很容易知道,这就是为什么 问题不在于他的实际肤色,而是他在性方面的地位。

光和暗是对立的。 卡图卢斯在质疑凯撒在同性恋关系中是主动还是被动的成员。 albus和āter是男性在同性恋中扮演的角色的行话。 阿不思,即白色,是被动的 ,在这段关系中,有女人味的男人。 阿特,或黑色,是关系中的男性成员。 .

卡图卢斯不喜欢政治生活 由于凯撒是一位将军,并参与了对高卢(卡图卢斯居住的地方)的攻击,他学会了不喜欢凯撒。 他认为凯撒很傲慢,很有侵略性 他可能会喜欢读莎士比亚的戏剧,以及参议员们在参议院会议上杀死他的方式。

卡图卢斯正是通过凯撒认识了马穆拉,他多次称马穆拉为小弟弟先生。 有故事说,凯撒试图让卡图卢斯闭嘴,但最终两人达成了和解。 不幸的是,卡图卢斯英年早逝,所以没有人知道他们的关系到底会变成什么样。

卡门 93

线路 拉丁文本 英文翻译


NIL nimium studeo, Caesar, tibi uelle placere、



See_also: 奥瑞斯提亚》--埃斯库罗斯





See_also: 贝奥武夫》中的圣经典故:这首诗如何包含了圣经?

VRoma项目: //www.vroma.org/~hwalker/VRomaCatullus/093.html

John Campbell

John Campbell is an accomplished writer and literary enthusiast, known for his deep appreciation and extensive knowledge of classical literature. With a passion for the written word and a particular fascination for the works of ancient Greece and Rome, John has dedicated years to the study and exploration of Classical Tragedy, lyric poetry, new comedy, satire, and epic poetry.Graduating with honors in English Literature from a prestigious university, John's academic background provides him with a strong foundation to critically analyze and interpret these timeless literary creations. His ability to delve into the nuances of Aristotle's Poetics, Sappho's lyrical expressions, Aristophanes' sharp wit, Juvenal's satirical musings, and the sweeping narratives of Homer and Virgil is truly exceptional.John's blog serves as a paramount platform for him to share his insights, observations, and interpretations of these classical masterpieces. Through his meticulous analysis of themes, characters, symbols, and historical context, he brings to life the works of ancient literary giants, making them accessible to readers of all backgrounds and interests.His captivating writing style engages both the minds and hearts of his readers, drawing them into the magical world of classical literature. With each blog post, John skillfully weaves together his scholarly understanding with a deeplypersonal connection to these texts, making them relatable and relevant to the contemporary world.Recognized as an authority in his field, John has contributed articles and essays to several prestigious literary journals and publications. His expertise in classical literature has also made him a sought-after speaker at various academic conferences and literary events.Through his eloquent prose and ardent enthusiasm, John Campbell is determined to revive and celebrate the timeless beauty and profound significance of classical literature. Whether you are a dedicated scholar or simply a curious reader seeking to explore the world of Oedipus, Sappho's love poems, Menander's witty plays, or the heroic tales of Achilles, John's blog promises to be an invaluable resource that will educate, inspire, and ignite a lifelong love for the classics.