Odi et amo (Catullus 85) - Catullus - 古罗马 - 古典文学

John Campbell 18-08-2023
John Campbell

(Epigram/Elegiac Couplet, Latin/Roman, 约公元前65年,2行)



See_also: 卡图卢斯7翻译


"Odi et amo" ( "我恨,我爱" )是罗马抒情诗人的一首短诗或附言。 卡图卢斯 它通常被称为 "卡图卢斯85" "Carmina LXXXV" 为其在普遍接受的目录中的地位 卡图卢斯 尽管它很简短,但它却是 "世界上最伟大的作品 "之一。 卡图卢斯 这是他最著名和最有感情的诗,它对他的情妇莱西亚的矛盾感情的声明,以其力量和简短而闻名。



在他既恨又爱的光秃秃的陈述之后,诗人问为什么会这样。 他没有回答这个问题,只知道这是事实,这种冲突是许多痛苦的原因。



虽然诗中没有提到她的名字,但这首诗被认为是指,就像许多其他的诗一样。 卡图卢斯 这首诗是写给莱西亚的,人们普遍认为莱西亚是克洛迪亚(罗马著名政治家克洛迪乌斯的妻子)的别名,与克洛迪乌斯在一起。 卡图卢斯 显然,在这一点上,这段关系开始分崩离析,它被描述为幻灭的情人的悖论。

See_also: 重要人物索引 - 古典文学


这首诗包含八个动词,没有形容词,也没有名词。 这种对正常诗歌结构(一般多为名词和形容词)的颠覆,可以视为强调了戏剧性和冲突的情感 卡图卢斯 它通过剧烈的情绪变化来表达自己的观点,从一个简单的陈述开始,然后是对动机的好奇的心理调查,接着是对不理解的平淡承认,最后是对事实的陈述,最后是最后一个词 "excrucior"(字面意思是 "被钉死")的爆发。 与两个音节相比,最后一个词的四个音节得到了额外的推动力或诗中其他词的三个音节。

爱所激起的反差和不一致的感情,以及爱恨交织的观念,是世界文学中最常见的主题之一,而 卡图卢斯 然而,在这一问题上的戏剧性并不是第一个诗人所能做到的。 卡图卢斯 这首短诗由于悲哀地意识到这种麻烦是独立于人的意志而产生的(特别是通过使用被动动词 "fieri "使人意识到),而诗人除了注意到这种情况和遭受可怕的痛苦外,什么都做不了。

尽管这首诗很短,但它被翻译的次数可能比其他任何一首诗都多。 卡图卢斯 有意思的是,一副对联就能为翻译提供这么多微妙的不同的可能性。



  • 拉丁文原文和英文直译(WikiSource)://en.wikisource.org/wiki/catullus_85
  • 拉丁文原文的音频朗读(古典拉丁文)://jcmckeown.com/audio/la5103d1t11.php

John Campbell

John Campbell is an accomplished writer and literary enthusiast, known for his deep appreciation and extensive knowledge of classical literature. With a passion for the written word and a particular fascination for the works of ancient Greece and Rome, John has dedicated years to the study and exploration of Classical Tragedy, lyric poetry, new comedy, satire, and epic poetry.Graduating with honors in English Literature from a prestigious university, John's academic background provides him with a strong foundation to critically analyze and interpret these timeless literary creations. His ability to delve into the nuances of Aristotle's Poetics, Sappho's lyrical expressions, Aristophanes' sharp wit, Juvenal's satirical musings, and the sweeping narratives of Homer and Virgil is truly exceptional.John's blog serves as a paramount platform for him to share his insights, observations, and interpretations of these classical masterpieces. Through his meticulous analysis of themes, characters, symbols, and historical context, he brings to life the works of ancient literary giants, making them accessible to readers of all backgrounds and interests.His captivating writing style engages both the minds and hearts of his readers, drawing them into the magical world of classical literature. With each blog post, John skillfully weaves together his scholarly understanding with a deeplypersonal connection to these texts, making them relatable and relevant to the contemporary world.Recognized as an authority in his field, John has contributed articles and essays to several prestigious literary journals and publications. His expertise in classical literature has also made him a sought-after speaker at various academic conferences and literary events.Through his eloquent prose and ardent enthusiasm, John Campbell is determined to revive and celebrate the timeless beauty and profound significance of classical literature. Whether you are a dedicated scholar or simply a curious reader seeking to explore the world of Oedipus, Sappho's love poems, Menander's witty plays, or the heroic tales of Achilles, John's blog promises to be an invaluable resource that will educate, inspire, and ignite a lifelong love for the classics.